
Friday 28 February 2014

creating Application server profile in WebSphere application server v 8.5 on Linux (WebSphere Jungle)

Follow the steps to create Application server profile   in WebSphere Application Server  V 8.5 on Linux:
If u want to watch this process click on below link


             First install WebSphere Application Server in your box(System). Then do this process to create Application Server profile in your box(System). If u want process of this click on below link the Profile Management tool(PMT). It is one of the tool under WebSphere Customization toolbox(WCT).To open PMT follow the steps
Applications-------IBM WebSphere--------- IBM WebSphere Application Server  V 8.5 -------Tools----------double click on Profile Management Tool.

2.Click on "Create" button in Profile Management Tool.

3.Select the" Application Server" to create Application Server profile and Click on "Next".

4. Select  "Advanced profile creation" radio button and Click on "Next".

5.Leave the default values and Click on "Next".

6.If u want, u will change Profile name and profile directory path. After changing all these values click on "Next".

7.Specify the Node name, Server name ,Host name and click on "Next".

8.If u want to enable security u will provide values and click on "Next".

9.Leave default values and click on "Next".

10. Leave default values and click on "Next".

                   above 9 and 10 steps for configuring for personal certification details.
11.Verify the port values .If u want to change u can change here. Then  click on "Next".

12.If u want to configure this profile to web server, u will provide the values and click on "Next".
13.Verify the summary of profile and click on "Create".

14.Uncheck "Launch the first steps console" check box and click on "Finish".

15.Close the WebSphere Customization Toolbox.

16.Now yours box has Application server profile .

thank u. comments & feedback r most welcome.

Thursday 27 February 2014

Commands for IBM WebSphere Application Server (WebSphere Jungle)

Useful commands for IBM WebSphere Application Server:
                                             I collected some commands for IBM WebSphere Application Server from Internet.

1. Find out Which versions are running 
       For WAS:
                        AIX                    /bin/
                   Solaries/Linux           /bin/
                       Windows              /bin/versionInfo.bat
       For IHS:
                      AIX                       /bin/httpd -v
                   Solaries/Linux           /bin/httpd -v
                       Windows              /bin/apache -v
                  Java JDK:

                         UNIX                 ./java -version
                       Windows               ./java -version
2.Find out what process are running
           basic     --------->                ps -ef | grep -i java
           Solaris  --------->                 /usr/ucb/ps -auxWw
           AIX     ---------->                /usr/bin/ps -elf

Other process:
               ps -ef | grep java | grep dmgr
                                   This command will filter dmgr process in java.

               c:/>net start
               c:/>net start "IBM HTTP Server"
               c:/>net stop "IBM HTTP Server"
3.Find out which operating system version is running:
                 AIX                   ------------------->  oslevel      (or)  uname -a
           solaris/Linux             ------------------->  uname -a
             Windows               ------------------->  ver (or)  winver

4.Find out hardware configuration:
                  AIX                   ------------------->  lsattr -E -l sys0 -a r
                 solaris                 ------------------->  ptrconf | grep -i memory
             Windows               ------------------->   winver
                  Linux                 ------------------->  dmesg
5.Find out contents of files like jar, zip:
                UNIX                 --------------------> ls -l
                windows             --------------------> dir
6.Shutting and rebooting:
                 AIX                   ------------------->  /usr/sbin/shutdown -Fr
                 solaris                 ------------------->  /usr/sbin/shutdown -y -go -i6
                 Linux                  ------------------->   /sbin/shutdown -r now (reboot)
                                                                             /sbin/shutdown -h now (not reboot)
                 Windows             ------------------->  start---->Shutdown
7.List out all open ports, listening ports,routing tables etc:
                            netstat -nr                        -n means "list in IP address"
                                                                   -r means "prints routing table"
                            netstat -a                         -a means "lists all open ports"
                            netstat -l                          -l means "lists all the listening ports"
8.Something about "ls" command:
                                ls -ltra                         -l means "long listing formats"
                                                                   -t means "sort by modification time"
                                                                   -r means "reverse order by sorting"
                                                                   -a means "all files including ones starting with dot(.).
                              ls -ltrS                           -s means "Sort by size".

thank u. comments & feedback r most welcome.

creating servers using websphere application server liberty profile v 8.5.5 on windows (WebSphere Jungle)

Follow the step to create servers using  WebSphere application server liberty profile v 8.5.5 on windows:
  If u want to watch this process click on below link


1.First install Liberty Profile package  version  trial package and IBM WebSphere Software Development Kit (SDK) Java Technology Edition Version 7.0 for Liberty trial package.
  If u want to installation process of "IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core Trial", click on below link

If u want to installation process of "IBM WebSphere Software Development Kit (SDK) Java Technology Edition", click on below link 

2.After installation u will get default folders.

3.Now follow the steps to create servers using WebSphere Application Server liberty profile.
     1)Go to /bin
     2)create server using server.bat command.
                            server.bat  create
                            server.bat create server1
      3)After creating server, one folder will be created under

       4)start the server by using server.bat command
                              server.bat start
                              server.bat start server1
        5) stop the server by using server.bat command
                              server.bat stop
                              server.bat stop server1
          6)If u want to find out status of server
                              server.bat status
                              server.bat status server1

              These are some basic tasks only. If u want to more information use help with server.bat command.
                              server.bat -help

thank u. comments & feedback r most welcome.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

WebSphere Application Server Interview Questions Part-2 (WebSphere Jungle)

WebSphere Application Server Interview Questions Part-2:

1.What is Profile and explain about different profiles in WebSphere Application Server?
2.Explain the process of federation?
3.What is packs?Different types of packs?
4.How can u apply packs?
5.What is product packages and Types of product packages?
6.what is logs?
7.Differences between SystemOut.log and SystemErr.log?
8.Explain about activity.log and nativity.log?
9.Explain about "FFDC"?
10.Explain about SOAP.Client.Props and SAS.Client.Props?
11.What is  load balancing?
12.Explain managed node and unmanaged node?
13.How to create unmanaged node for web server in admin console?
14.What is environment variables?
15.what is virtual hosts?
16.What is Installation Manager (IM)?
17.What is Heap? Explain about "Heap Dump"?

Check this link for answers
 Click below  link for WebSphere Application Server Interview Questions Part-1
Thank u. comments & feedbacks r most welcome.

WebSphere Application Server Interview Questions Part-1 (WebSphere Jungle)

WebSphere Application Server Interview Questions (Part-1):

                               I am sharing WebSphere Application Server Interview questions. I collected these questions from my fellows and friends.

1.What is Server?
2.What is Client?
3.What is Web Server?
4.What is Application Server?
5.What is the need of Web Server?
6.What is the need of Application Server?
7.Some examples for Web Server and  Application Server?
8.What is the difference between Web Server and Application Server?
9.What is WebSphere?
10.What is WebSphere Application Server?
11.What is cell?
12.What is Deployment Manage(dmgr)?
13.What is Node?
14.What is Node Agent?
15.What is Cluster?
16.What is Horizontal Clustering?
17.What is Vertical Clustering?

Click below link to check the answers for these questions

Click below link for WebSphere Application Server Interview Questions Part-2

Thank u. comments & feedback r most welcome.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

IBM WebSphere Software Development kit (SDK) Java Technology Edition 7.0 for Liberty on windows

Follow the step to Install IBM WebSphere Software Development Kit (SDK) Java Technology Edition Version 7.0 for Liberty  profile on windows:
  If u want to watch this installation process, click on below link

          While installing IBM WebSphere Software Development kit(SDK) Java Technology Edition 7.0 for Liberty, U must install first Liberty profile or along with this installation u install Liberty profile. Otherwise u got error message like this

              If u want to installation process of "IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core Trial", click on below link

1.Download  IBM WebSphere Software Development Kit (SDK) Java Technology Edition Version 7.0 for Liberty trial package from IBM website. This software  comes with 3 disks like
2.Before installing IBM WebSphere Software Development Kit (SDK) Java Technology Edition Version 7.0 for Liberty trial package. You download & install Installation Manager(IM) in your box(system) from IBM website. By using IM you can install packages ,Update, Rollback the packages.

                           If u want steps for installation of Installation Manager  u can verify my previous article. Article link is
 3.Unzip the package zip files.
4.Open the Installation Manager(by click on IBMI.exe for Admin or  launcher.exe for user).

5.Add the repository to install repository file. Follow the steps  to add repository file.
   File ------------->References----------->Add Repository-----------> click on browse.
  select repository file from Liberty Profile trial package.

6.After selecting  repository file click on "Install" on the wizard of Installation Manager(IM).

7.Check the check box of "IBM WebSphere SDK Java Technology Edition Version 7.0 for Liberty" and click on "next".

8. Installation path will be taken automatically. So, Click on "Next".

9. Click on "Next".
            Here may be asked another disks information(i.e. paths of other disks).

10.Click on "Install".

11.Check the logs. Then click on "Finish".

12.Close the Installation Manager wizard.
13.Now u can check the installed package of IBM WebSphere Software Development Kit (SDK) Java Technology Edition Version 7.0 for Liberty trial package in your system.

               Next article will be on how to create servers using liberty and some basic commands.

  thank u. comments & feedback r most welcome.

Monday 24 February 2014

creating custom profile or managed node in websphere application server v 8.5 on Linux

Follow the steps to create custom profile(managed node) in WebSphere Application Server  V 8.5 on windows:
                                 If u want to watch creation of custom profile or managed node in IBM WebSphere Application Server V 8.5  click on below link
             First install WebSphere Application Server in your box(System). Then do this process to create Custom profile in your box(System). If u want process of this click on below link the Profile Management tool(PMT). It is one of the tool under WebSphere Customization toolbox(WCT).To open PMT follow the steps
Applications-------IBM WebSphere--------- IBM WebSphere Application Server  V 8.5 -------Tools----------double click on Profile Management Tool.

2.Click on "Create" button in Profile Management Tool wizard.

3.Select the" Custom profile" to create custom(managed node)profile and Click on "Next".

4. Select  "Advanced profile creation" radio button and Click on "Next".

5.If u want to change Profile name and profile directory path, u will change. After changing all these values  click on "Next".

6.Specify the your Node name, Host name and click on "Next".

7.If u want to federate this node to Deployment manager (dmgr), u can specify the hostname, SOAP port number and  authentication details (i.e. username and password) of Deployment manager(dmgr). Otherwise check the "Federate this node later" check box.

8.Leave default values and click on "Next".

9. Leave default values and click on "Next".
                   above 8 and 9 steps for configuring for personal certification details.

10.U can verify profile creation summary here. If u have any issues u can click on "Back" button otherwise u click on "Create" button to create Custom (managed node)profile on your box(System).

15.Uncheck "Launch the First steps console and click on "Next".

16.Close the WebSphere Customization Toolbox.

17.Now yours box has one node(Custom profile)(This node will be managed node if u federate this node to dmgr) .

Thank u. comments & feedback r most welcome.

Friday 21 February 2014

creating deployment manager (dmgr) profile in websphere application server v 8.5 on linux

Follow the steps to create Deployment Manager(dmgr) profile in WebSphere Application Server  V 8.5 on Linux:
                If u want to watch creation of Deployment Manager (dmgr) profile on Linux,  click on below link

             First install WebSphere Application Server in your box(System). Then do this process to create dmgr in your box(System). If u want process of this click on below link the Profile Management tool(PMT). It is one of the tool under WebSphere Customization toolbox(WCT).To open PMT follow the steps
Applications-------IBM WebSphere--------- IBM WebSphere Application Server  V 8.5 -------Tools----------double click on Profile Management Tool.

2.Click on "Create" button in Profile Management Tool wizard.

3.Select the" Management" to create Deployment Manager(dmgr)profile and Click on "Next".

4.Select  "Deployment Manager" radio button and Click on "Next".

5 Select  "Advanced profile creation" radio button and Click on "Next".

6.Leave the default and Click on Next.

7.If u want u will change Profile name and profile directory path. After changing all these click on "Next".

8.Specify the your Node name, Host name and  Cell name and click on "Next".

9.If u want security u will provide the credentials here  or u can uncheck if u don't want security. then click on "Next".

10.Leave default values and click on "Next".

11. Leave default values and click on "Next".

                   above 10 and 11 steps for configuring for personal certification details.
12.Here verify the all the port values. If u want to change , u can change here . Then click on "Next".

13.U can verify profile creation summary here. If u have any issues u can click on "Back" otherwise u click on "Create" button to create Deployment Manager(dmgr) profile on your box(System).

14.Uncheck "Launch the First steps console and click on "Finish".

15.Now dmgr creation is completed. Close the WebSphere Customization Toolbox.

16.U can verify directory of dmgr is created in your box(System).

Thank u. comments & feedbacks r most welcome.