
Tuesday 29 April 2014

java.sql.SQLException: [jcc][t4][10205][11234][3.57.82] Null userid is not supported. ERRORCODE=-4461, SQLSTATE=42815 DSRA0010E: SQL State = 42815, Error Code = -4,461 in WebSphere Application Server

Problem :
               The test connection operation failed for data source sample on server server1 at node XXXXXXXXX with the following exception: java.sql.SQLException: [jcc][t4][10205][11234][3.57.82] Null userid is not supported. ERRORCODE=-4461, SQLSTATE=42815 DSRA0010E: SQL State = 42815, Error Code = -4,461. View JVM logs for further details.

Above exception we will get some time to test the connection in IBM DB 2 Data Source in WebSphere Application Server......


           Just restart server and check the test connection.....
           Just provide (or) check user id in J2C authentication in global security.....

Thank u......

Have a nice day........ 

Friday 25 April 2014

Administrator privileges are required. Message ID: CRIMC1018E error in IBM Installation Manager (WebSphere Jungle)

          Administrator privileges are required. Message ID: CRIMC1018E. If u got error like below image just follow the steps to open IBM Installation Manager(IIM).

           It is mainly privileges problem. so follow the steps to resolve it......
         1)Right click the IIM.

  2)Select Run as administrator.
  3)Click on Continue...

Thank u...... Have a great day.....

Thursday 17 April 2014

Configuring a temporary 'Site Down For Maintenance' page in IBM HTTP Server on windows (WebSphere Jungle)

Follow the step to configure a temporary 'Site Down For Maintenance' page in IBM HTTP Server on windows:
 If u want to watch this process click on below link

                                                            This article is based on below link..... I tried one scenario to practice this  task.
                                 Normally we see "page is under Maintenance" when we browse for some websites.

                            Sometimes websites will go to update, modify ...etc. At the time user receives an error. But by using this scenario we can server one page to user while we r doing website modification.  
Browser--->Web Server(plug-in)---->Application Server (flow of request).
    In above steps we will create one page in WebServer. We will configure this page to redirect every request when we are under Maintenance.
                  I hope u got my point. Now we will do it.
1)First install WebSphere Application Server, IBM HTTP Server, Plug-in, WCT on your box.
2)Create one deployment manager profile and one custom profile.
3)Federate the node to dmgr. Create one server.
4)Configure WAS, IHS, Plug-in.
5)Deploy any one application.
6)Check this application is available through WebServer.
               http://localhost:80/home.(here home is my application)

             Everything is fine up to now. Think now my "home" application is under maintenance stage. So I would like to do it now.
7)First go to directory. Then Go to "htdocs" folder in it.

8)Create one HTML Page in it like below lines. Save it as  "maintenance.html".

9)Create one empty text file and save it as "serverdown.txt".

10)Then add below lines in httpd.conf file(this file path is /conf/httpd.conf).
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
RewriteEngine on
ReWriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/serverdown.txt -f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /maintenance.html [PT]

LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/serverdown.txt -f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /maintenance.html [PT]

11)Then restart IBM HTTP Server.

12)Then open browser. check your maintenance page is served by IBM HTTP Server or not...

ex:         http://localhost:80/home .

                          Here we request for page which is deployed in WebSphere Application Server. But we get maintenance page.
                           After completing modification in application, delete  serverdown.txt file. Then application is available for all users.

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Wednesday 16 April 2014

serving static content in IBM HTTP Server (Web Server) on windows (WebSphere Jungle)

Follow the step to serve static content page in IBM HTTP Server  on windows:

  If u want to watch this process click on below link

                                               Actually I started reading about web server and application server. I got one doubt about it. How the static content page serve the IBM HTTP Server. Once we know the what is the static content page then we can understand about dynamic content page.
                                                Generally Static content page is a web page which is slandered  for every user. It won't change based on user. But dynamic content page will be changed based on user.
                                                Normally HTML page is static content page . JAVA,.NET,PHP pages are dynamic content pages.
                                                Now we can practice how a HTML Page serve to user through HTTP Request and Response from IBM HTTP Server(Web Server).
                                                 So, Let us do it now.....

1)Install IBM HTTP Server on my box. Then Start IBM HTTP Server.
     Click below link for installation process of IBM HTTP Server
     Click below link for starting and stopping IBM HTTP Server
2)Go to directory. Then Go to "htdocs" folder in it.

3)Create any HTML Page in it. I provide one example if u want...
     open notepad. write same lines as below image . Save it as "mypage.html".

4)Then open browser. check your web page is served by IBM HTTP Server or not...

ex:         http://localhost:80/mypage.html
              here local host is server name.

                      80 is IHS port no.

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Tuesday 15 April 2014

Configuration oracle data source in WebSphere Application Server V8.5 on windows (WebSphere Jungle)

Follow the step to configure oracle data source in WebSphere Application Server v 8.5  on windows:

  If u want to watch installation process click on below link

         I installed oracle 10g Express edition. U can download it. Also download "ojdbc6.jar" from internet.
           Check below links to get installation process of oracle 10g Express edition and creating new user in oracle 10g express.

1.First create one deployment profile (dmgr), one Custom profile (node).
2.Federate node to dmgr.
3.Open Admin Console in browser.
                         ex: http://:/ibm/console
4.I divided this task into 3 parts (Generally to configure data source we will follow like this only).
                             1)Creating an authentication alias.
                             2)Creating the JDBC provider.
                             3)Creating data source.
5)Let us do it now..........

Task 1) Creating an authentication alias:
                             Normally an authentication alias is required to access database. An authentication alias contains user ID and Password.
                   Now follow the step to complete this step.
1)Login to admin console, Expand Security------->Click on "Global Security"
2)In authentication page, Expand "Java Authentication and Authorization Service"-------->Click on "J2C authentication data".

3)Click on "New".

4)Provide the values for Alias, User ID and Password. Here User Id and Password must have to access the database.

          Alias                               -----------      Sample_login
          User ID                           -----------      sample (It is my database User ID)
          Password                         -----------      xxxxxxxx(It is my database password)

Note: Here User ID and Password change according to your database.
5)Click on "Apply". Then Click on "review" and select the check box "Synchronize changes with Nodes" and click on "Save". Click on "Ok".
 6)Now u can check an authentication alias is created. It is like below image.

7)We completed first task......Now we will move to next task.....

Task 2)Creating the JDBC provider:
                       Follow the steps to complete this task.......
1)Expand "Resources" in the admin console.
2)Expand "JDBC". Click on "JDBC Provides". Then Select the Scope( I selected node scope).

3)Click on "New".

4)Provide the Database type, Provider Type, Implementation type and Name. Then click on "Next"
          Database type                  --------                   oracle
          Provider type                   --------                   oracle JDBC Driver
          Implementation type         --------                   Connection pool data source
          Name                              --------                   oracle JDBC Driver (It is default name. If u want to change u will modify it)

5)Provide the path for jar files.(Where it is saved in your box).Then click on "Next".

6)Verify summary. Click on "Finish". Then Click on "review" and select the check box "Synchronize changes with Nodes" and click on "Save". Click on "Ok".

7)Now u can check JDBC driver is created.

8) We completed Second task......Now we will move to last task.....

Task 3)Creating data source:
                        Follow the steps to complete this task......
1)Expand "Resources" in the admin console.
2)Expand "JDBC". Click on "Data sources". Then Select the Scope( I selected node scope).

3)Click on "New".

4)Provide Data source name and JNDI name. Then click on "Next".

                   Data source name                     --------                   sample
                   JNDI name                               --------                   jndi/sample

5)Select "select an existing JDBC provide" radio button. Then select "oracle JDBC driver" in drop down list. Then click on "Next".

6)Specify the URL.

7)Select "Component-managed authentication alias", "Mapping-configuration alias " and "Container-managed authentication alias" from drop down list. Then click on "Next".

          Component-managed authentication alias     ----     Sample_login
          Container-managed authentication alias        ----     Sample_login

Here Sample_login is name of an authentication alias.
8)Verify summary. Click on "Finish". Then Click on "review" and select the check box "Synchronize changes with Nodes" and click on "Save". Click on "Ok".

9)Now u can check Data source is created.

8) We completed all tasks......Now we will check test connection.....
9)Select "sample"(My data source name)  and click on "Test connection".

10)Verify test connection is successful or not. If it is successful u will get message like below image.

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Monday 14 April 2014

Configuration DB2 datasource in WebSphere Application Server V8.5 on windows (WebSphere Jungle)

Follow the step to configure DB2 data source in WebSphere Application Server v 8.5  on windows:

  If u want to watch installation process click on below link

         I installed DB2 Express c edition. U can download it. Also download "db2jcc.jar","db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar" and "db2jcc_license_cu.jar" from internet.

    If u want to watch how to install,check below link

1.First create one deployment profile (dmgr), one Custom profile (node).
2.Federate node to dmgr.
3.Open Admin Console in browser.
                         ex: http://:/ibm/console
4.I divided this task into 3 parts (Generally to configure data source we will follow like this only).
                             1)Creating an authentication alias.
                             2)Creating the JDBC provider.
                             3)Creating data source.
5)Let us do it now..........

Task 1) Creating an authentication alias:
                             Normally an authentication alias is required to access database. An authentication alias contains user ID and Password.
                   Now follow the step to complete this step.
1)Login to admin console, Expand Security------->Click on "Global Security".
2)In authentication page, Expand "Java Authentication and Authorization Service"-------->Click on "J2C authentication data".

3)Click on "New".

4)Provide the values for Alias, User ID and Password. Here User Id and Password must have to access the database.

          Alias                               -----------       Sample_login
          User ID                           -----------      sudhu (It is my database User ID)
          Password                        -----------       xxxxxxxx(It is my database password)

Note: Here User ID and Password change according to your database.

5)Click on "Apply". Then Click on "review" and select the check box "Synchronize changes with Nodes" and click on "Save". Click on "OK".
6)Now u can check an authentication alias is created. It is like below image.

7)We completed first task......Now we will move to next task.....

Task 2)Creating the JDBC provider:
                       Follow the steps to complete this task.......
1)Expand "Resources" in the admin console.
2)Expand "JDBC". Click on "JDBC Provides".Then Select the Scope( I selected node scope).

3)Click on "New".

4)Provide the Database type, Provider Type, Implementation type and Name. Then click on "Next"
          Database type                  --------                   DB2
          Provider type                   --------                   DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider
          Implementation type         --------                   Connection pool data source
          Name                              --------                   DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider (It is default name. If u want to change u will modify it)

5)Provide the path for jar files.(Where it is saved in your box).Then click on "Next".

6)Verify summary. Click on "Finish". Then Click on "review" and select the check box "Synchronize changes with Nodes" and click on "Save". Click on "Ok".
7)Now u can check JDBC driver is created.

8) We completed Second task......Now we will move to last task.....

Task 3)Creating data source:
                        Follow the steps to complete this task......
1) 1)Expand "Resources" in the admin console.
2)Expand "JDBC". Click on "Data sources". Then select the Scope( I selected node scope).

3)Click on "New".

4)Provide Data source name and JNDI name. Then click on "Next".

                   Data source name                     --------                   sample
                   JNDI name                               --------                   jndi/sample

5)Select "select an existing JDBC provide" radio button. Then select DB2 JDBC provider in drop down list. Then click on "Next".

6)Specify the values of Driver type, Database name, Server name and Port number. Then click on "Next".

                   Driver type                      --------                   4
                   Database name                --------                   sample (it is based on your database name. I am using default database in DB2. So, change according to your environment database)
                   Server name                    --------                   localhost(Specify the server name where DB2 is installed. I am installed DB2 in my local system. So, I used localhost)
                   Port number                    --------                   50000 (Based on DB2 port no.)

7)Select "Component-managed authentication alias", "Mapping-configuration alias " and "Container-managed authentication alias" from dropdown list. Then click on "Next".

          Component-managed authentication alias     ----     Sample_login
          Container-managed authentication alias        ----     Sample_login 

Here Sample_login is name of an authentication alias.

8)Verify summary. Click on "Finish". Then Click on "review" and select the check box "Synchronize changes with Nodes" and click on "Save". Click on "Ok".

9)Now u can check Data source is created.

8) We completed all tasks......Now we will check test connection.....
9)Select "sample"(My data source name)  and click on "Test connection".
10)Verify test connection is successful or not. If it is successful u will get message like below image.    
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