
Tuesday 28 June 2016

installing installation manager (IM) v 1.8 by using the imcl command on Linux(WebSphere Jungle) -- Real-time method

Follow  the steps to install IBM Installation Manager(IM) by using the imcl command on Linux  :

                 If u want to watch installation process of IBM Installation Manger(IM) , click on below link


I'm explaining in this article about  real-time installation of IM (It is 
one of the method..)
1. Download  IM is based on your system configuration
                           I am using  Linux now. IM software comes like
2.Log in to the server by using putty.
3. unzip the file.(I already copied the IM on Linux box).
4.Go to "tools" directory  under "IM root directory".

5.Run the "imcl" command by using syntax.
                   imcl install package_id_version [,version][,featureId]
                           -repositories source_repository
                           -installationDirectory installation_directory
                           -accessRights mode
                            [ -preferences preference_key=value ]
                            [ -dataLocation agent_data_location ]
                            [ -keyring keyring_file -password keyring_password ]
                            [ -acceptLicense ] 

         imcl install -repositories
/root/Desktop/IM/repository.config -installationDirectory
/opt/IBM/InstallationManager -acceptLicense -log
/tmp/IM_install.log -showProgress

6.Now verify your box has IBM Installation Manager or not under /opt/IBM/InstallationManager directory.....

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