
Saturday 1 February 2014

creating application servers in Admin Console ( ibm WebSphere Application Server ) on windows (WebSphere Jungle)

Follow the step to create application servers in Admin Console on windows:

  If u want to watch Creating application server in admin console ,click on below link

1.I created Deployment Manager(dmgr) and Custom profiles in my system .I federated node(i.e.Custom profile) to Deployment Manager.
2.Now follow the steps to create application servers in admin console. admin console.
          ex:  http://localhost:9060/ibm/console
4.Check the node is federated or not and status of Node agent in admin console.
               Expand System administration------>click on Node agents

5.Now follow the steps to create server in admin console.
        Expand Servers------>Expand Server Types------->click on WebSphere Application servers.

                a)Click "New" button.

                 Follow the steps for creating a new application server
                  Step 1: select a node
                                   Select the node, Specify the server name and click on "Next"
                               ex: select node   : <sudhu-PC>Node01(ND (Here sudhu-PC is name of the box)
                                     Server name : server1

                 Step 2:Select a server template
                                     select "default" radio button and click on "Next".

                 Step 3:Specify server specific properties
                                     select the "Generate Unique Ports" and click on "Next".

                 Step 4:Confirm new server
                                     check the summary and click on "Finish". on "Review". Check the "Synchronize changes with Nodes" check box and Click on "Save" button. Check any errors ,then click on "ok" .
7.Now application server "server1" is created on your box(system).

8.Now u can do all tasks on "server1".

thank u. comments & feedback r most welcome.
tell me which topics in WebSphere application server 8.5 u want.

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