
Thursday 6 February 2014

Redirecting non-SSL (HTTP) requests to SSL (HTTPS) requests with IBM HTTP Server on windows (WebSphere Jungle)

Follow the steps to Redirecting non-SSL (HTTP) requests to SSL (HTTPS) requests with IBM HTTP Server and  WebSphere Application Server on windows:

  If u want to watch this steps click on below links


1.Install  IBM HTTP Server in my System.
                              If u want steps for installation of IBM HTTP Server v 8.5  u can verify my previous article. Article link is

2.Start  IBM HTTP Server.
                             If u want steps for start and stop  IBM HTTP Server v 8.5  u can verify my previous article. Article link is

3.Enable SSL (HTTPS ) request in IBM HTTP Server.
                            If u want steps for start and stop  IBM HTTP Server v 8.5  u can verify my previous article. Article link is

4.Now  follow the steps to Redirecting non-SSL (HTTP) requests to SSL (HTTPS) requests with IBM HTTP Server.
   a)Open httpd.conf file and uncomment rewrite module and add the following lines at last of the file.
RewriteEngine On
# handy for seeing what's going on when the web server tries to redirect
RewriteLog "C:/rwlogofihs.txt"
RewriteLogLevel 1
# if the port's not 443 (ssl)...
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !^443$
#...redirect it to the same page but make it SSL
RewriteRule ^(.*)

5.Now stop and start IBM HTTP Server .
6.Now verify Redirection from non-SSL (HTTP) requests to SSL (HTTPS) requests with IBM HTTP Server using browser.
                      This URL will be redirect to https://localhost:443

Thank u. Comments & feedback r most welcome.

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