
Saturday 22 March 2014

installing installation manager (IM) v 1.6 by using the imcl command on windows(WebSphere Jungle)

Follow  the steps to install IBM Installation Manager(IM) by using the imcl command on windows  :

                 If u want to watch installation process of IBM Installation Manger(IM) , click on below link


1. Download  IM is based on your system configuration like windows 64 bit and 32 bit.
                           I am using  windows 7 64 bit. IM software comes like
2.unzip this zip file. command line, go to "tools" folder under "IM root directory".

4.Run the "imcl" command by using syntax.
                   imcl install package_id_version [,version][,featureId]
                           -repositories source_repository
                           -installationDirectory installation_directory
                           -accessRights mode
                            [ -preferences preference_key=value ]
                            [ -dataLocation agent_data_location ]
                            [ -keyring keyring_file -password keyring_password ]
                            [ -acceptLicense ] 

   ex:(Administrator of windows)
                    imcl.exe install
                           -repositories D:\wassoftware\im\repository.config
                           -installationDirectory  "D:\usr\local\opt\was\im\im16\eclipse"
                           -accessRights admin
    ex:(Nonadministrator of windows)
                    imcl.exe install
                           -repositories D:\wassoftware\im\repository.config
                           -installationDirectory  "D:\usr\local\opt\was\im\im16\eclipse"
                           -accessRights nonAdmin

5.Now verify your box has IBM Installation Manager or not.....

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