
Thursday 4 September 2014

Restoring deployment manager (dmgr) profile configuration in WebSphere Application Server 8.5 on windows

Follow the step to restore deployment manager (dmgr) profile configuration in WebSphere Application Server  8.5 on windows:

  If u want to watch installation process click on below link


          Before completing this task, U must read about some topics like
                          Why we take profile back up
                          When we used profile back up
                           When we restore .... etc.
1.First check the dmgr status. Is it running or not by using serverStatus.bat command.
                  serverStatus.bat  -all

2.We can restore dmgr profile from 's bin folder and dmgr's bin folder.
3.We can restore  dmgr profile
                      1. when dmgr is Started status.
                      2. when dmgr is Stopped status.
4.Now let us start to complete this task.
5.Now I will take restore  of dmgr configuration file from 's bin folder.

          Here i took back up before only. If u want to know how to take back up, Just verify my preview's article.

6.Just use restoreConfig.bat command to restore dmgr.
               /bin>restoreConfig.bat   -profileName  Dmgr01

7.That's it......
8.By default dmgr is stopped automatically when u restore dmgr configuration. U can restore without stopping of dmgr. Just read and practice of the syntax.
                restoreConfig  backup_file [-location restore_location] [-nostop] [-quiet]
                [-nowait][-logfile ][-replacelog][-trace][-username ][-password ][-profileName ]                 [-help]

Thank u. Comments & feedback r most welcome.

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