
Monday 3 February 2014

creating unmanaged node for IBM HTTP server(ihs) in admin console in websphere application server v 8.5 on windows (WebSphere Jungle)

Follow the step to create  unmanaged node for IBM HTTP Server (ihs) in admin console in WebSphere application server v 8.5 on windows:

  If u want to watch Creating unmanaged node in admin console ,click on below link

1.I installed both WebSphere Application Server v 8.5, IBM HTTP Server v 8.5 and plug-in for Web Server on the same system. I configured WebSphere Application Server and IBM HTTP Server using plug-in. I created Deployment Manager (dmgr).
2.Start Deployment manager and HTTP Server.
3.Now follow the steps to create unmanaged node of IBM HTTP Server  in admin console.
4.Open admin console(WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console)
          ex:  http://localhost:9060/ibm/console
5.Expand System administration------>click on "Nodes"---->Click on "Add Node".

                a)Select "Unmanaged node" radio button and click on "Next".

                b)Specify the Name of Unmanaged node, Host name(i.e. Host name of  IHS box) and select Platform Type and Click on "OK".
                    ex: Name                  --------          IhsNode
                          Host  Name        --------           localhost
                          Platform Type    --------           windows

                 c)Click  on "Review". Select "Synchronize changes with Nodes" Check button. Click on "Save" button. Then click on "OK".

6.Now follow the steps to create Web Server in admin Console by using Unmanaged node.
            Expand "servers"---------->Expand "Server Types"---------->Click on "Web Servers". Then click on "New" button.

            Step 1: Select a node for the Web server and select the Web server type
              Select node ,Specify the Server name of Web Server and Select "Type". Then click on "Next"
                             Select node                     -------           IhsNode(we created)
                             Server name                    -------           webserevr1
                             Type                               -------           IBM HTTP Server

         Here Server name "webserver1" is specified when I configured Web Server plug-in for WAS. More Details click on below link and step 12.

                    Step 2: Select a Web server template
                               select "IHS" Radio button. Then Click on "Next".

                   Step 3:Enterthe properties for the new Web server
                               Specify Port no ,Web server installation location, Service name and Plug-in installation location and Application mapping to the Webserver.
                             port                               --------           80
                             Web server installation
                                     location                      --------               e:\usr\local\opt\ihs\ihs85
                             Service name                 --------           IBMHTTPServerV8.5
                             Plug-in installation
                                      location                ---------                   e:\usr\local\opt\plugin
                             Application mapping to
                                      the Web server    ---------           All

                               Specify Administration Server Port, Username, Password and Confirm password and click on "Next".(It is based on plug-in configuration more information click on it and step 10

                     Step 4:Confirm new Web server
                                   verify summary and click on "Finish".

                             Click  on "Review". Select "Synchronize changes with Nodes" Check button. Click on "Save" button. Then click on "OK".

Before doing any tasks on Web server first do Generate Plug-in and Propagate Plug-in.

If u have any problems with this Configuration, Follow  the second method.

                                copy the "configurewebserver1.bat" file from <plug-in_root>/bin to <was_root>/bin
                             then execute the configurewebserver1.bat  in <was_root>/bin.
This command will create one Unmanaged node and one Web server.

E:\usr\local\opt\plugin\bin>copy configurewebserver1.bat e:\usr\local\opt\ws\was85\bin
        1 file(s) copied.
WASX7209I: Connected to process "dmgr" on node sudhu-PCCellManager01 using SOAP connector;  The type of process is: DeploymentManager
WASX7303I: The following options are passed to the scripting environment and are available as arguments that are stored
in the argv variable: "[webserver1, IHS, E:\\usr\\local\\opt\\ihs\\ihs85, E:\\usr\\local\\opt\\ihs\\ihs85\\conf\\httpd.c
onf, 80, MAP_ALL, E:\\usr\\local\\opt\\plugin, unmanaged, sudhu-PC-node, sudhu-PC, windows, 8008, wasadmin, wasadmin, IBM HTTP Server V8.5]"
Input parameters:
   Web server name             - webserver1
   Web server type             - IHS
   Web server install location - E:\usr\local\opt\ihs\ihs85
   Web server config location  - E:\usr\local\opt\ihs\ihs85\conf\httpd.conf
   Web server port             - 80
   Map Applications            - MAP_ALL
   Plugin install location     - E:\usr\local\opt\plugin
   Web server node type        - unmanaged
   Web server node name        - sudhu-PC-node
   Web server host name        - sudhu-pc
   Web server operating system - windows
   IHS Admin port              - 8008
   IHS Admin user ID           - wasadmin
   IHS Admin password          - wasadmin
   IHS service name            - IBM HTTP Server V8.5
Creating the unmanaged node sudhu-PC-node .
Unmanged node sudhu-PC-node is created.
Creating the web server definition for webserver1 on node sudhu-PC-node.
Parameters for administering IHS web server can also be updated using wsadmin script or admin console.
Web server definition for webserver1 is created.
Start computing the plugin properties ID.
Plugin properties ID is computed.
Start updating the plugin install location.
Plugin install location is updated.
Start updating the plugin log file location.
Plugin log file location is updated.
Start updating the RemoteConfigFilename location.
Plugin remote config file location is updated.
Start updating the RemoteKeyRingFileName location.
Plugin remote keyring file location is updated.

Start saving the configuration.
Configuration save is complete.
Computed the list of installed applications.
Start saving the configuration.
Configuration save is complete.

thank u. comments & feedback r most welcome.

tell me which topics in WebSphere application server 8.5 u want.

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