
Monday 10 February 2014

Deploying application in cluster in WebSphere Application Server v 8.5 on windows (WebSphere Jungle)

Follow the step to deploy application in cluster in WebSphere Application Server  v 8.5 on windows:

  If u want to watch deploying  application in cluster ,click on below link
          Actually it is second article. Please verify first article. Then complete second article. Previous article link
           Deploying application in cluster environment in WAS.
            I will explain about deploy application in two cluster members of cluster. Two Cluster members are created using different nodes.

Pre requirements for completing this task:
                       Create cluster with two cluster members with two different nodes. u can verify above link for completing this task.

1.Start dmgr , nodeAgents. Now open admin console.
          ex:  http://localhost:9060/ibm/console
2.Start cluster.
3.Expand "Applications"---------->Expand "Application Types"------------>Click on "WebSphere enterprise applications". Then click on "Install".

4.Now Follow the steps to deploy application in cluster environment.
                  a)Select your application by click on "Choose File". Then Click on "Sever".

                 b)Here I explain "Fast Path"  installation process. So, Select "Fast Path". Then  click on "Next".

                c)Now Follow the Steps to complete this task.
                 Step 1:Select installation options
                              Leave default values. Then click on "Next".

                 Step 2:Map modules to servers
                              Select application and Apply to cluster "cluster1" to map modules to servers. Then click on "Next".

                 Step 3:Map virtual hosts for Web modules
                              Select "defult_host". Then click on "Next".

                 Step 4:Map context roots for Web modules
                               Specify Context Root. Then click on "Next".

                  Step 5:Summary
                                 verify summary and click on "Finish".

6)If application is successful it will show like this

7)Click on "Review" and Select "Synchronize changes with Nodes" check box. Then click on "save" button.
8)Click on "OK".
9)Now start the application and verify the application through browser by sending request.
                9080  -----Port no.
                 reservation -------->Context root which I specified at Step 4.
                  If u map with Web server u can verify like this

        Now I will explain how cluster works.
                  Now two servers are created (Cluster Members).Application is deployed in Cluster. So, application will serve by two servers (Cluster Members).
                   Now stop one server (one cluster member). Then verify the application is available or not.
                    Now also application available. So, our environment is cluster.

Thank u. Comments & feedback r most welcome.

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