
Thursday 6 February 2014

enable SSL (HTTPS) request in IBM HTTP Server on windows (WebSphere Jungle)

Follow the steps to enable  SSL (HTTPS) request in  IBM HTTP Server on windows:

  If u want to watch this steps click on below links 


1.Install IBM HTTP Server in Your System.
                              If u want steps for installation of IBM HTTP Server v 8.5  u can verify my previous article. Article link is

2.Start IBM HTTP Server.
                             If u want steps for start and stop  IBM HTTP Server v 8.5  u can verify my previous article. Article link is

3)Follow the step to enable SSL in IBM HTTP Server.

       1) Create a key database with ikeyman.
       2) Update the KeyFile directive in httpd.conf  to that key database and uncomment the directives.

       Now we will do these steps one by one.

Step 1) Create a key database with ikeyman:
    We can Create a key database with ikeyman.
     Follow the step to create key database
      a) start----->All Programs----->expand IBM HTTP Server V 8.5----->click on Start Key Management Utility.

      b)It will open "IBM Key Management" wizard. It appears like this

      c)Click on "Key Database File"------->New
      d)It will open one new wizard. Provide Key database type, File Name and Location. Then click on "OK".
                    Key database type  ------------    CMS
                    File Name                ------------    key.kdb  (This name will use in httpd.conf file)
                    Location                   ------------    E:\usr\local\opt\ihs\ihs85 (This is installation path of IBM HTTP Server in my system)
        e)Then provide password, confirm password and select Stash password to a file. Then click on "OK".

         f)Select "Personal Certificates" and  click on "New Self-Signed..."

         g)Specify the Key Label and click on "OK"

         h)Close the wizard.

Now  we completed step 1.

Step 2) Update the KeyFile directive in httpd.conf  to that key database and uncomment the directives:
   Follow the step to do this step.
   a)Open httpd.conf file in any editor like notepad. It will be located in <IHS_root>/Conf/httpd.conf
   b)Uncommant this line "LoadModule rewrite_module modules/" in httpd.conf. 
   b)In httpd.conf, uncomment below lines

LoadModule ibm_ssl_module modules/
## IPv6 support:
Listen [::]:443
<VirtualHost *:443>
SSLProtocolDisable SSLv2
KeyFile E:/usr/local/opt/ihs/ihs85/key.kdb

4)Now stop IBM HTTP Server and start it.
5)Now verify SSL is enabled or not through browser to make request to IBM HTTP Server.
                     443----->It is default port no. U can change in httpd.conf file.

Thank u. Comments & feedback r most welcome.

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